A data backup is the creation of copies, of all data, which prevents damage sustained after the loss of this data. Data backup is a kind of data protection for every business, regardless of the size, scope and field of operations.
We provide our customers with the following backup solutions:
LOCAL BACKUP- Backup and storage of data on the client’s backup storage. Securing testing and data recovery at the client’s request.
LOCAL JAPI BACKUP- backup and storage of data on one or two media types (disk and tape) at the JAPI locations. Copies of user data are stored in accordance with the ISO 27001 backup storage for backup procedure.
TWO SIDE BACKUP (JAPI and user’s location)- create two backups of the client’s data, one is stored at the client’s location and the other in JAPI com’s data center.
We recommend to our clients the Veeam Cloud Connect backup solution to store all the data crucial to their business.
What are the benefits of BACKUP?
Guaranteed security and data protection for your business.
Fast data recovery in the event data has been mistakingly erased, or has gone missing due to the destruction of the infrastructure.
No negative impact on device performance.
Avoiding potential expenditures due to work interruption.